Areas of Research
Geotechnical Instrumentation and Performance Monitoring
Sustainable Infrastructure
Transportation Geotechnics
Retaining Structures
Numerical Modeling
Geophysical Testing
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Climate and Seasonal Effect on Infrastructures
Research Goal
My research experience can be attributed to Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering which can be summarized as (1) Performance Monitoring of Geo-infrastructure through Field Instrumentation and FEM Analysis, (2) Geo-physical Testing for Evaluation of Geohazard Potential and Infrastructure Health Monitoring, and (3) Laboratory Testing (Both Saturated and Unsaturated) of GeoMaterials and (4) Non Destructive Testing of Alternative Recycled Materials for Pavement.
During my Geotechnical research, I had the opportunity to work on several projects focused on highway slope stability, pavement distress, subgrade moisture modeling, recycled materials (RAP) testing, geo-physical testing on subbase, use of geosynthetics in pavement moisture control. Besides, I was also involved on the Bio-reactor Landfills to evaluate the moisture variation and efficiency of leachate recirculation in Geoenvironmental sector.
My ultimate focus is to maximize the lifespan of the transportation infrastructure through proper investigation, providing cost effective and sustainable solutions.
Research Highlights
Determining the Freeze-Thaw Cycle of Pavement Subgrade based on Real Time Data in Cold Region
In northern part of US, freezing of subbgrade soils and subsequent thawing action causes damage to transportation infrastructure. This research aims to find out the actual timing of freezing and thawing based on real time data.
Image Courtesy: Duffy et al. (2017)
Research Highlights
Sustainable Highway Slope Stabilization using Recycled Plastic Pins (RPP)
RPPs have been found very cost effective to check the highway slope stability over available alternative methods.
Pavement Instrumentation to Study the Behavior of Highway Subgrade
Instrumentation provides a continuous dynamic image of the subsurface to observe the change in moisture, temperature on a real-time basis. .
Mitigation of Flexible Pavement Crack using Geosynthetic Modilfied Moisture Barrier
Using combination of geotextile, geomembrane and geonet have been successfully applied to mitigate the pavement edge crack.
Finite Element Modeling (FEM) of Various Geo-infrastructures.
FEM is an effective tool to evaluate the performance of highway slopes, pavement, dams, tunnels under various loading conditions.
Research Highlights
Geophysical Testing (Resistivity Imaging) for Forensic Investigation
Resistivity Imaging in the form of geophysical testing is able to provide a continuous portrayal of the subsurface. It is an efficient aid during failure investigation of highway slope, seepage through dams etc.